Divine Retreat Centre UK – Official Website
Your strength comes from Heaven!
The world runs on the idea that there is strength in numbers. The more followers we have, the more confident we feel. The more money we have, the more comfortable we are. If we have no money in the bank, we are anxious. If we have no one to support us, we lose confidence in ourselves and our abilities. We feel that if we had help, we would have been able to achieve great things, or we feel that if we had support, we would have been able to speak up in situations of injustice without being afraid. And this is often the problem, that we feel alone. We base our self-worth on likes and followers and let that determine how we feel, so the less likes and followers we have, the more rejected and insecure we feel. This is a big problem in our world today that psychologically affects many people.
But 1 Maccabees 3:19 says, “Victory in war does not depend upon the size of the army, but on strength that comes from Heaven”. Our strength does not come from the amount of money we have or the number of likes we receive on social media, it comes from heaven. Even if everyone stands against you, never compromise your values; stand tall and stand for Jesus, for your strength comes from Him. Your strength does not come from the people around you, it comes from heaven. It is not the size of the army that victory in battle depends on, but the strength that comes from heaven!