Divine Retreat Centre UK – Official Website
IMPORTANT – Please be aware that there are a number of fake accounts on….
First Time?It was Divine Providence, that the re-evangelisation should start from Ramsgate, the birthplace of Christianity in the UK.
Live Streaming dailyHealing and Deliverance Service daily at 4 PM to 6.30 PM UK time.
HomeworkParticipate and Pray Daily
Divine Prayer Tower 24/724x7 Intercession through ZOOM
PodcastsAll the talks of the Divine UK priests in audio format
Dewfall dailyDaily Short Reflection on Word of God
Private Online RetreatsAttend retreat of your choice online any time you need
Divine NewsletterVarious articles on different topics and transcription of the talks
Register For Residential RetreatTo attend residential retreat at our both centres in UK
Bible Study OnlineSign up for the online Bible study different topics
Tuesday ConferenceMonthly reflection on ZOOM for Priests, Nuns, Deacons, Seminarians and Candidatess
VoiceOnce in a month Voice ministry via Zoom for parents and career-givers of disabled folks.
Under my RoofOne hour session weekly for the youth through ZOOM and Youtube
BambinoVideo presentation for children to grow in Christian faith
Outreach retreatsDetails of the Retreats in UK and abroad by the Divine UK
Seek & FindAsk your Bible doubts online to a Priest directly on every Saturday
Ask Bible DoubtsSend your Bible Doubts online and get a reply through mail
Divine HourIntercede for Divine UK ministries from around the world through ZOOM on every Wednesday
Read TestimoniesSome of the testimonies of Healings and deliverance through Divine UK Ministries
Send TestimoniesSend your testimonies of Healing and blessing
HomeworkDaily Homework given during the Live Streaming and update Counter
Join Divine YouthTo join Divine Youth and be part of a international youth Movement
Join VolunteeringTo join volunteering for the Divine UK ministries
Subscribe our Youtube ChannelTo watch all our video programmes and Live streamings
Download DivineUK AppTo watch and Hear all our video/audio programmes and Live streamings
DonateTo donate to Divine UK ministries and charitable activities
Day: Every Monday
Time: 9:30 pm
Day: Every Tuesday
Day: Every Wednesday
Day: Every Thursday
Day: Every Friday
Day: Every Saturday
Time: 7:30 am
UK Time: 03:00 pm
Meeting ID: 885 7533 0734
Passcode: 123
Hungarian Time: 14.00 – 16.00 every Saturdays
Meeting ID: 835 5393 5919